Gavaa and Tsende are part of Tunga's group. We saw an amazing video of the extreme originality and variety of the choreography of this group, which should be an inspiration to contortionists worldwide. Unfortunately, I dont have many good photos of Gavaa and Tsende performing, because my little camera wasn't up to taking good photos at the gala.
Gavaa looking absolutely gorgeous, as always. Also, with her husband Ricardo. Just look how that baby loves being photographed!
Gavaa did an outstandingly beautiful number of a fly caught by a spider. I couldn't quite work it out, as the fly seemed to want to be caught! There were some absolutely sublime moments in this performance, from the delicate movements as the spider and fly moved together during the culmination of the piece.
Tsende's performance was also precise and beautiful, with very controlled and expressive hand and arm movements as she contorted.